Mobile Wiki Server - Startup
Mobile Wiki Server - Startup
for iPhone
This Product is no longer offered.
When the WikiServer application starts up, we show the green “multi-hands editing a document” image, this fades slowly into the Browser Screen as the Wiki starts loading content from storage.
We show the small activity icon in the top status bar, and a larger activity icon in the middle of the screen as we load the Wiki.
At the bottom of the screen there is a status area that displays text as the application completes the start up process. It should say:
“Loading Wiki”
Once the loading completes the Browser Screen will become active, when it does the navigation bar changes slightly from:
The Save button is dim, since the Wiki has not been changed, but the Status button has become active, allowing you to click on it and go to the Status Screen.
When the Wiki completes loading content the activity icon(s) will disappear and the lower status area will read “Responding” which means the Wiki is responding to a http get page request
Once the Wiki has served the page the lower status area will change to
Startup Screen
Fade from multi-hands editing image
to Browser Screen
as we load the Wiki with content