Mobile Wiki Server - Saving

for iPhone


This Product is no longer offered.


The Wiki has to move content from application memory back to storage in order to save the state of the Wiki. We use an auto-save feature to enable this.  After you make a change to the Wiki by doing an add, edit, move, copy, or delete, the Wiki is marked as altered and the Save buttons on the Browser Screen and Status Screen become active.

At this point you and others can still browse the Wiki and perform edits. However after a few seconds the auto-save feature will activate and the ability to edit will be delayed until the save is finished. Saving can take many second. During this time the status area on the Browser Screen and the Status Screen will say “Saving”. You and other users can still browse pages until the save completes and the status says “Idle”.

If the status field reports an error please follow the instructions for recovery to a backup and use the email diagnostics button to supply us with diagnostic information.

The Home Button

You must be aware that answering incoming phone calls will terminate the Wiki and possibly lose data that is being edited.

Hitting the Home Button before saving will also lose data, we note the auto-save feature should minimize any data loss.  Always check the Status Screen for feedback on saving before tapping the Home Button, if a save is in progress please wait until the save finishes.

If you plan to extensively edit the Wiki using the touch screen we suggest you put the device into AirPlane Mode to prevent incoming calls from terminating the Wiki without saving. If you plan to edit from a workstation then plug the device into a power source and ignore incoming phone calls, you must of course turn the Wiki Setting Public Access on to edit the WIki from a desktop machine.  With 1.4 you could export your wiki to your desktop computer, run the desktop version of WikiServer, do the edits, then export and reimport to the iPhone or iPod touch.