Mobile Wiki Server - Help
Mobile Wiki Server - Help
for iPhone
This Product is no longer offered.
Also see our FAQ page
How do I manage my content?
The Wiki is a complex piece of software, and has many software components, we suggest you review the Wiki Structure page to understand the Wiki Commands and Navigation items, it will explain each command and give details how to create new pages for placement of your content.
Missing your Wiki data?
Assisting us by supplying diagnostic information will lead to updates and a better product.
If saving failed WikiServer should have written a problem log, use the “Email diagnostics” button on the status screen to send us the diagnostic information. Tapping the home key and restarting the WikiServer should restore you back to your last save.
If loading the Wiki failed, then check your memory setting in the Settings Pane, maybe it is too small? Again there may be a problem log for us to look at. Use the backups function to restore the Wiki back to an earlier save point. We note because of timing issues and the http serving of the pages you might not see the Read Failed message. However you know there is a problem because we will show the original default Wiki pages, versus pages you have created.
Warranty information:
Can be found at:
Privacy statement:
We are governed by the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: